Task Instructions:

Please make sure you are logged into GMAIL when doing this task!

NEVER use the browser back button (or backspace) when performing this task! 

Go to https://valentin.app

In the first field, type in one of the following search phrases:
Roofing Oakland Company
Roofing Oakland
Roofing Companies Oakland
Roofing Contractors Oakland

Note: Please type it in – don’t copy/paste.

In the second field, type in United States – English

In the third field, type in Oakland, CO – Refer to this image as an example – http://prntscr.com/m9qu69

Next click on “Search”

Click on the first business under the maps listing – Example: http://prntscr.com/m9quzp

This will expand the list of businesses while still keeping your browser location in Oakland, CA

Look for the business name: Oakland Roofing Company

When found, click on the name of the business – Example: http://prntscr.com/m9qvea

Click on Website Link and scroll down slowly. Example: Example: http://prntscr.com/m9qvss

Stay on the business.site page for at least 1 minute

Next, Go to the browser box and type in amazon.com. Stay there for 30 seconds and then close out the search by hitting X at the top.


Enter Required Proofs Below:
1) URL of the website you visited
2) What keyword did you use to search?
3) What page and position did you find the business on?

Task Instructions

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